E Learning App? Learning Services
E- Learning apps are media platform connecting faculty, teachers, students, parents, schools, institutes in a personalized unique and safe secured. Platform helps for education, teaching and learning.
To Create an E-Learning App!! Need to know the Basic views in building an app !!
Education is a guarantee for your future professional success. And that doesn’t mean we have a diploma, we’re talking about skills that have been mastered. So, the main thing is to find the best way to get the knowledge you need. And educational applications can become one of them.
On the other hand, these mobile training services can be a good source of income for a visionary entrepreneur. Learn how to create a learning app and how to make it profitable.
And we are going to help you to hunt this question.
Learning Services: What is it all about?
So what is it and why is it so popular? Why is the education market filled with various tutoring applications?
What is a learning service?
Educational applications for distance education are mobile services that help users of different ages and with different skills to specialize in certain academic disciplines.
Benefits of service-learning applications
Education is on-trend now. All sorts of good educational apps have taken the first lines in the App Store and Google Play, so they are in demand by hundreds of thousands of users. The following infographics are the best proof of our words.
Educational applications: Undoubtedly, educational apps for adults and children are becoming more and more popular every day. But why? There are several reasons to explain such a level of demand. If you are still exploring the benefits of a mobile learning service, read the list below very carefully.Types of educational applications
Reasons for the popularity:
Always on hand. Learning apps are especially convenient because a person can use them anytime and anywhere! So, by developing an educational app, you give users the opportunity to study what they want on a convenient schedule.
Modernity. You must create an educational application if you want to provide a service that meets the needs of the community. Ultimately, advanced users choose modern ways of solving problems and mobile apps are really what they need today.
Efficiency. Undoubtedly, high technologies expand the possibilities of obtaining knowledge highly efficiently, qualitatively and conveniently.
Saving. This is to save time and money on teachers.
Analysis of the impact of training. The educational app for learning provides statistics on achieved dynamics and user level.
Major trends in educational applications
When thinking about your own app for learning, you should consider the major trends in education in the mobile area. We offer to focus on 5 of them.
An important role in certifying organizations. Providers of courses and learning services should carefully select lecturers and take care of their reputation.
Must have video content in training programs. by 2019, videos will generate 80% of global Internet traffic. First of all, there is a demand for entertainment content, but this trend is affecting the mobile education market.
Training in the format of the game. Such an approach works not only with children but also with adults. Educational applications for adults (created with the game in mind) guarantee a high level of involvement and interaction: Emotional awareness increases the absorption of information by 9%.
Micro training. The average person is willing to allocate 1% of their training for additional training. So next year the use of short videos, short text or visual materials will be on-trend. Keep this in mind when creating educational applications.
There is a growing interest in virtual and augmented realities. Now, VR technologies have become more accessible, they are being actively used to study historical events and to train medical professionals. Such a method provides complete immersion in the learning process on an emotional level. The use of AR in training seems more realistic. In this case, it is sufficient to download the appropriate educational application, without the need for additional accessories such as a helmet or the like. AR has a number of similar benefits:
Visibility: Technology allows you to see small details, bring a particular object closer together, and create the illusion of interaction with it;
Safety: You can get into the essence of things without fear of anything being broken or damaged.
Continue Reading for Types of educational applications and Features must to an eLearning app
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