Top Mistakes To Avoid During Development Of React Native Apps

Priyanka Patil
7 min readMar 6, 2020


“As more and more people adopt smartphones and therefore apps, the industry has become a lucrative opportunity for new business owners. Most people want to make it big in this field by developing the best app. Apps are dominating our lives. So far, more than 204 billion apps have been downloaded in 2019, according to Statista. It comes as no wonder that the app industry is thriving, and many expect that it will continue to produce high profits in the future as well!”

Image source- Statista

The demand for developers from React Native has grown to the level that the industry is now in contrast to native and React Native design modes. Consistent updates that advance the framework also increase demand. The desire will only go so far. Ultimately developers will have to learn their way across the development process on the ground floor. Specifically on the front lines of understanding and avoiding mistakes in Developing React native apps that can destroy user experience and skills.

What Is React Native?

React Native is a kind of framework that creates a structure of elements of the JavaScript code that constructs UI. It has a series of components to build a mobile app for both iOS and Android platforms with a native look and feel. On the other hand, ReactJS is an open-source library aimed at creat user interfaces for JavaScript. Facebook nevertheless develops both React Native and ReactJS using the same programming concepts, with the exception of interface design.
Taking advantage of this React Native framework, we can easily expect all platforms to render the UI. In the near future, an open-source program might be compatible with other systems such as Windows or tvOS.

React Native has proved to be a favorite of many developers as compared to all other cross-platform application development frameworks. This is because it helps developers to simultaneously build an excellent quality app for both iOS and Android!

Related-Top 5 Pro’s & Con’s Of React Native For Mobile App Development 2020

Why Do Developers Like React Native?

Because React Native uses JavaScript

JavaScript is one of the languages ​​in which the developer begins their career. They, therefore, have a very detailed comparison to the subject. The fact that React relies heavily on native JavaScript greatly reduces the learning curve.

They get to create native apps

Although the developers work on JavaScript, they do not use Web View to react to local components. One reason you choose to React Native is that it provides real local elements, giving developers the flexibility to use platform-specific components such as activity indicator, which gives most platforms a recognizable, native-like * feel. It is impossible for a cross-platform developer to create completely native applications. The difference between the UI and the UX front is very visible.

Direct installation procedure

The installation method should always be straightforward, i.e. minus any complicated steps. React native framework can be installed through Node Package Manager, which is very easy for developers with JavaScript themed to follow. Even if you are not familiar with JS, React will prevent you from having trouble downloading a binary from native sources.

Great productivity

The key to building an application faster lies in the productivity levels of the developers. The reliability of JavaScript already simplifies the process, which also comes with the life reload feature and the freedom to use any IDE or text editor of your choice.

Strong community support

React Native has been very popular since its launch in 2015. Developers and businesses and industrial backgrounds around the world have teamed up with React Native to choose to be behind many of the benefits.

It’s really Cross-platform

When we say React Native is a cross-platform application development framework, we are not using React Native for mobile application development. Using React Native, developers also extend their skills to smart TVs, smartwatches, Windows devices, and VR headsets.

Among these and many other unspecified benefits of React Native Development, there are also some challenges that are inherently related to React to Native App Development. Experienced developers have come to accept and address the challenges faced.

Challenges Involved with React Native in Mobile App Development:

Limitations in Abstraction Layer

For the React Native applications, an abstraction layer is installed on the native framework to provide more functionality. Abstraction Layer itself has some common problems and issues to avoid when building React Native apps such as:

  • It is extremely difficult to identify bugs found in the abstraction layer
  • Totally dependent on third-party tools and libraries.

Dependence On Native App Developers

Developers occasionally have to rely on native developers to understand how JavaScript works. Particularly when you have to put extra computing operations into the application.

Lack of support for multiprocessing or parallel threading

React Native includes a single JavaScript thread, which allows developers to observe slower performance when they want to run any parallel processes.

Deployment of iOS is Difficult

In the case of React Native, developers are particularly frustrated when they want to test their iPhone app on any of the testing services, including Apple’s Test Flight, especially as they have to deal with the issue of obtaining supply profiles. And required certifications.

Also Read- React Native Vs Iconic In Mobile App Development 2020

Further, Mistakes To Avoids When Developing React Native Apps

1. Wrong Redux Store Planning-As a designer, when we get an ambitious project we concentrate more on designing the product design, and less on the data handling side of it. Redux helps to securely store the debugging data and system control states. When designed correctly, it may be a powerful tool for managing system details. If not, they can screw up a lot of things.

Another argument that should not be made when designing the Redux framework is that it is not well suitable for small projects Even the small changes would also require long lines of code. So when selecting React Native for startups, it’ll be safer if you choose to go with it and avoid it for large-scale applications.

2. Incorrect estimations about the process-One thing that many developers forget about the layout are that the Android and iOS versions of the layout are completely different.

Yes, React Native allows you to use two platforms interchangeably. However, certain elements are not usable. For example, the two platforms on the application page are different on the two platforms. In addition, during the initial days of programming your app with React Native, it’s easy to underestimate the number of codes you write.

3. Not Creating and Reading External Modules Properly-External modules exist for quick, easy creation and help to expand an application’s functionality. Such external modules allow expanding the code and features while keeping the codebase light is generated and recorded correctly. We can easily handle different activities and make things happen faster. On the contrary, if the external modules and their code libraries are not developed, used, and read, They may not work as expected and validate unique functionality. Developers need to correctly read and execute these when operating with the code of external modules.

This way, when referring to a module file that is transferred or modified and that doesn’t work, the problem is found immediately and the same can be repaired.

4. Leaving React Native Images un-optimized-While many developers may not consider optimizing the React Native images as a crucial step in the process of app development, the fact is that it is a high-priority job not to be forgotten.

Unoptimized images not only consume a high amount of memory and storage but also dramatically reduce the app’s performance. Here are some tips for effective image optimization

  • Use smaller-sized images
  • Convert images to WebP format to speed up image loading time and minimize package as well as binary sizes (both iOS and Android)
  • Use PNG format
  • Cache images locally for fast loading

5. Using Stateless Components-Some Developers use stateless components to increase performance by printing the same markup that they endorse with the same credentials. In general, stateless components in React Native have no native state and do not extend any class, they return what was given to them in the DOM. While there are some advantages to using stateless components, such as lightweight testing and fast execution, they are not the ideal solution for all scenarios and use cases.

Nowadays more and more developers are using PureComponent to implement class-based components and boost their React Native apps speed and performance. In this, a superficial comparison of equality between current values and the new value shift is conducted to check if the values (state/props) have changed or not. If your component’s props and state are not immutable, PureComponent will not re-render your component excessively at any time, preventing re-rendering expenses and then improving efficiency and pace.

6.Left “console.log” statements

Console log statements are very simple. They also assist in debugging application implementation. What happens when you put log statements in the app?

This can become a serious problem if you put render methods and logic inside, especially if they are asynchronous, which can lead to an interruption in the JavaScript thread. All of this will eventually lead to the application becoming slower.


Although React Native Framework has some drawbacks, it passes all the tests and barriers to becoming the number one option for the React Native Development Company’ to Build mobile apps. However, these are the six most common ones you should avoid at all costs. Remember, app development is a complex and technical process.

Mistakes will be made along the way. You need to be targeted for making as few mistakes as possible.



Priyanka Patil
Priyanka Patil

Written by Priyanka Patil

Determined Topic Researcher, little Curious to know better in what am doing, in the part, shared the ideas, and context by saving as writing

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